Tips for Preventing Hair Loss & Re-grow Naturally

Regrow Hair NaturallyLosing your hair, or does it appear to be thinning out a little bit? While you can’t reverse all types of hair loss, there are things that you can do to keep most it at bay.

On this page, we want to share with you a couple of tips and tricks for preventing your hair from thinning out!

Don’t worry, it is far easier than you may think!

The good news is it’s not that hard. And most of the below mentioned things don’t required anything to buy and the ones that requires you to buy something are available cheaply and you don’t have to go to costly hair salon or hair clinic! You can do these things at your home.

Do Massage


One of the best things you can do is, give your scalp a good massage. Couple this with some good hair oils. By massaging the scalp, you will be boosting circulation in it. This helps to improve the thickness of the hair.

Use Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

If you can get your hands on some coconut oil, then use that. Coconut oil is packed to the brim with fatty acids. They help to prevent protein loss in your hair. We recommend that you leave the coconut oil in your hair overnight, particularly if you have hair which is especially oily. If you have dryer hair, then you may be able to get away with leaving it in your hair all day, but that is completely up to you.

Get Good Protein

Good Protein

Proteins are the building blocks of the human body. Absolutely everything in your body requires protein to function properly. So, it makes sense that if you are not getting enough protein into your diet, then your hair is going to suffer. Eat more foods with protein. Although, of course, try to ensure that it is lean protein. White meat and some nuts would work absolute wonders here.

Cut back on your caffeine and alcohol. There is evidence that both of these can have an impact on the growth of your hair.

It is important that you try to get as many good vitamins and other nutrients into your diet as possible. This means getting a lot of vitamin C. Iron is also going to be ideal when it comes to ensuring that your hair is in peak condition.

Honestly, it is not too difficult to start to get a balanced diet and we are absolutely positive that making even a few small changes to your day-to-day eating should see almost instant changes in the way your hair looks.

Exercise Regularly

Daily Exercise

Obviously, when you exercise your body is going to get fitter. This is not going to help you when it comes to boosting your hair, though. You see, if you want to prevent hair loss, then exercise is the way to go as it will boost blood circulation throughout your body. You can do any exercise that you want for this. Obviously, cardiovascular exercise is the way to go, but you can also do a bit of weight lifting if you want.

Get a Good Sleep Daily

Get Good Sleep

Want to know when your body starts to rejuvenate itself? You guessed it! It is when you are asleep. If you are the type of person that stays awake all day and gets minimal sleep, then it is not surprising if your hair starts to thin out. You are going to need to get at least eight hours of sleep per day. Although, of course, there are some people out there who may need a little bit more.

Use less Heat on Your Hair and if Possible avoid them

Less Heat

If you can, you should always let it dry naturally. You must remember that when you use a hair dryer, you will be blasting your head with heat. We can guarantee that this is not going to be good for it by any stretch of the imagination. The same goes for hair straighteners and curlers. Your hair is not going to be a fan of heat and using both of those will cause it to thin out if you opt to use them long term. Long story short; avoid it!

Get Good Omega Fatty Acids

Good Protein

Yes. Your body needs fat. You need to ensure that it is the good type of fat, however. We suggest that you get some omega fatty acids into your diet. The best way to do this is by consuming some oily fish. These are filled with nutrients and proteins which will be highly beneficial to the health of your hair. You can also take supplements if you are not a fan of eating fish. If you regularly take them, you will start to notice that your hair becomes a lot thicker.



There is evidence that ginseng helps to stimulate hair follicles. This leads to your hair growing quickly. You should supplement for this. It is probably going to be the easiest way to get it into your diet.

Take Onion Juice

Onion Juice

Yes. You can drink the juice of an onion. Not everybody can stomach it, however. If you drink onion juice, you will be stimulating blood circulation throughout your body. As we have already stated, this can improve the health of your hair. If you do not fancy drinking the onion juice, you can juice up a few onions and apply the solution to your hair. Leave it in place for about fifteen minutes before you wash it out.

Use Rosemary Oil

Rosemary Oil

Massage some rosemary oil into your diet. You just need a couple of drops mixed up with some oil such as olive oil. If you do this a couple of times per week, you will notice a massive improvement to the health of your hair.

Use Lemon


We don’t think there is a problem that the juice of a lemon can’t solve! Apply the juice of the lemon directly to your scalp. Leave it in place for about fifteen minutes before you wash it out.


Remember; these tips are designed to help prevent hair loss, or at least reduce the effects of your hair loss.

They are not going to work for everybody, but you may as well try them out. You don’t have anything to lose, right? You will always want to try to get to the bottom of why you are suffering from the issue in the first place.

Do you have your own experience with other ideas how to prevent hair loss or re-grow hair using natural things? Share with us.

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