BaByliss Pro Nano Titanium Mini Straightener Review

If you ever needed a straightener on the go, the BaByliss Pro Nano Titanium Mini Straightener is for you. It’s only 6 inches long, so I can fit it in all my luggage, even most of my carry-on.

I’ve traveled with it a lot, and it’s so easy to make room for it. The Titanium Mini fits perfectly in my purse, and I can bring it with me wherever I need to step up my style game – even abroad! BaByliss Pro Nano Titanium Mini comes with dual voltage for worldwide use.

This means you won’t burn it out if you happen to be on holiday in the UK or swimming the shores of the Bahamas.


And don’t worry about sacrificing size for style. The BaByliss Pro Nano Titanium Mini Straightener is easily my favorite straightener because it squeezes all the power of a full-size straightener into 6 inches!

So not only is it perfect for traveling, it’s perfect for styling. With flash heat up to 440 degrees, titanium ceramic plates for protective straightening, and curved edges for easy styling, I get everything I need to look my best in one easy-to-carry package.

Titanium Ceramic Technology

With titanium ceramic plates, the BaBylissPro Nano Titanium Mini packs a punch. It heats up to the high max of 440 degrees in under 30 seconds, and the ceramic technology protects my hair from damage.

BaByliss ceramic plates help hair retain its natural moisture and oils, so even though it’s smaller, I still get smooth and shiny hair that looks – and feels – great every time I use it.

I’m growing my hair out, and the ceramic plates protect any length of hair from damage. I definitely recommend it if you plan on traveling to anywhere with humidity.

I never have to worry about frizz or snags because the Nano Mini protects my hair.

6-inch Travel Size

I love Babyliss Pro products, and all of their high-heat technology is packed into this convenient 6-inch straightener. The BaBylissPro Nano Titanium Mini makes it easier to style my hair, and the versatility of the Nano Mini straightening iron makes it easy to keep up with the latest styles.

It’s easy to use and I can easily straighten my hair right from the root. The tiny size also makes it easy to make quirky curls and crimps, which isn’t always possible with the bigger straighteners.

Because of its size, I recommend using the BaBylissPro Nano Titanium Mini as an additional styling tool. It’s the best one to take when you travel, but if you have thicker, curlier, or more stubborn hair, you may still need a regular sized flat iron.

But the Titanium Mini can supplement any styling routine. The convenient 6-inch small size makes it easier for you to straighten from the roots to create small curls and ringlets.

I use it for intricate styling and fix-ups on-the-go, but for a full head of straight hair, I still use my The BaByliss Porcelain Ceramic Straightening Iron.

Overall, I stand by the Titanium Mini as my favorite straightener for travel. It keeps my hair looking great on-the-go, and I can’t beat being able to bring my favorite styling tool on vacation.

Even if you have thick hair, it can still get the job done, and I use it all the time to tweak my style throughout the day.

If you have shorter hair, you can use the BaBylissPro Nano Titanium Mini as your everyday tool.

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